Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Staff Sergeant in Afghanistan Responds to Critics

Staff Sergeant in Afghanistan Responds to Critics:
In my area of operation alone, these are the side effects of our success that you will never see on the evening news or highlighted in a Democrat TV appearance:
  • 43 modern schools have been opened
  • 5 modern district centers have been opened, with 13 more on track for completion
  • 13 cobblestone roads in local bazaars built
  • 70 kilometers of improved roads built (that is a big deal here)
  • 215 solar street lights installed (Taliban hate the light, like cockroaches)
  • 5600 Afghans employed directly or indirectly on projects sponsored by Coalition Forces
  • 3 mobile phone companies competing for coverage in our area of operation (yes, even here there are cell phones)

That sounds like success and progress. Be patient and let us win.

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