Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Work around for Tivo Remote not working

My Tivo Premier keeps not responding to the remote.
I found a easy work around.

Use the iPhone TiVo app to start playing a show on the Tivo, and the remote works again.

Monday, September 06, 2010

Israel vs. Iran vs. Obama

Orson Scott Card makes clear our duty to stand with Israel
If history has taught us anything, it is that when fanatics announce their intention to kill Jews as soon as they get the means to do it, and then get the means, they kill Jews.

Monday, August 02, 2010

Lamp Post

24 hours before Maria and I were hosting a post wedding reception for my Niece Lynette, Maria came home with a lamp post for me to install.
For those of you who know me, you will agree there is a reason I am not an electrician or a gardener or any thing else mechanical. I am just not good at it. But I agreed, we really do need more light in the back yard for parties.

Of course the problem with a lamp post is that it needs power, and that means digging up the lawn the day of a party. To prevent future accidental encounters with the power cable I decided to bury the cable under the exiting cement. I had to dig under the cement with a hand trowel for about 16 feet. Maria was very concerned to see the lawn still dug up just 5 hours before the party

A total of 5 trips to home depot plus a very redneck gave the desired results

Friday, December 11, 2009

Environmentalist want to limit not just carbon but people

Kevin continues to bring light to the dark side of the environmentalist movement.

"A planetary law, such as China's one-child policy, is the only way to reverse the disastrous global birthrate currently, which is one million births every four days."

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Micheal Yon says

If Afghanistan is to succeed, we must adopt it. We must adopt an entire country, a troubled child, for many decades to come. We must show the Afghans that together we can severely damage the enemies, or bring them around, and together build a brighter future. The alternative is perpetual war and terrorism radiating from the biggest, possibly richest and most war-prone drug dealers the world has ever seen, and what could eventually reverse and become the swamp that harbors the disease that eventually kills Pakistan, leaving its nuclear weapons on the table.
Read it all

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Atlas is feeling unloved.


How does Atlas grow? Google search is one critically important way. People find Atlas when they do a word search in google ie "Obama birth certificate", "Obama odinga", "honor killings", "Obama campaign finance fraud" - stories that I broke or did groundbreaking work on and Atlas is usually in the top five of the search results. That's how folks find my work and generally I keep 15-20% of them as return readers. Regular Atlas readers know the media refuses to cover these stories - building readership is the only way to boost awareness in this increasingly dangerous world.
Here is some link love.  I hope it helps.